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Products brand Schuster

In the East Westphalian "Cigarrenstadt", the former center of the German tobacco industry, August Schuster based his Cigarrenfabrik that looks back on a more than 100-year tradition.

Founded in 1909, the now in its third generation family business has always preserved its right to quality and its good name. The Schuster family has the history of the German tobacco industry helped shape a good deal far - and does so to this day.Today the brothers Manfred and Philipp Schuster conduct the Bünder companies. Also with Manfred's son, Oliver and Philipp's daughter, Annemarie who is really the next generation and fourth Schuster that will continue the company's tradition. The company has the know how of all the production stepsfrom the storing of the raw tobacco, the rolling of cigars, to the shipping of finished products, in their house. Exclusively cigars and cigarillos from one hundred percent tobacco are produced here. In addition, the factory Schuster one of the few tobacco-processing establishments producing Cigarrenkisten wooden still even.

By specializing in traditional qualities, the family operated an exclusive market segment that enjoys an excellent reputation among lovers of fine tobacco.

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